Meal Planning Monday 14th September


"I wish it was always Monday morning and never Friday evening", one of our teachers used to say.  She thought it was funny. We hated her.

But Monday it is. Last week's plan didn't happen completely, but some of the planned meals were done. I did the minestrone soup which was very nice. I also did the oven-baked falafel but I wish I hadn't. They were terrible. The taste was ok, but they were just horribly dry. And Saturday's Sicilian rice and lemon chicken was on the plan and fantastic.

For my sardine dish I couldn't find fresh sardines on the day, so I went with mackerel. Not the same thing! A heart-healthy but almost unbearably smelly option for fish lovers. Husband suggested maybe not making it too often as we woke up the next morning and the house still smelled like the Dubai Fishmarket. Which is a quite a strong smell I'm sure you can imagine in that heat. Might be one for outdoor cooking. I remember actually going through a similar thought cycle last time I cooked mackerel a long time ago. This time maybe I need to write it down somewhere like a blog or something.

I changed Friday's trout and squid pasta because I felt like plaiting with strips to trout and bass plaits. And Sunday we had something on the go so I moved the Finnish fish soup to today.

Food bill came to £78. Improvement. Below some of the food of the week.

Vegetarian minestrone soup with homemade wholemeal roll
Italian minestrone soup with homemade seeded bun - hearty!

Whole wheat pitta bread
Wholemeal pittas - plump!

Baked falafel
Oven baked falafel - awful! 

Oven mackerel with potatoes, sweet potato and carrot
Baked mackerel with potatoes, sweet potato and carrot - smelly!

Rainbow trout and sea bass plaits
Rainbow trout and sea bass plaits - elegant!

Riso al forno alla Siciliana
Riso al forno alla Siciliana - yummy!

This week's dinner plan

Monday                      Creamy Finnish salmon and prawn soup
Tuesday                      Left-overs of above, or roasted butternut soup
Wednesday                Moroccan chickpea, butternut and lentil stew
Thursday                    Chicken korma and basmati rice
#fishfriday                 Mediterranean fish stew
Saturday                     Lamb kleftiko
Sunday                       Leftovers or pizza

Sharing the plan

mpm different fonts.png

and Organising Junkie - menu plan Monday

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  1. I love mackerel but yes, it can be a but whiffy! Those fish plaits look absolutely beautiful - elegant is definitely the word. Enjoy your week! x

  2. I love mackerel; it's delicious, but you do need to get any bones etc out of the house and into the bin as quickly as possible. Your plan this week looks lovely. I'm particularly drooling over the sound of the salmon and prawn soup and the lamb kleftico. Yum to both.

