Meal Planning Monday - better luck this time


So how did my first "At home with Mrs M" meal planning Monday plan go. Food was good and no one went hungry, but accuracy vs plan was less than 50%. I've been in an all day sales and marketing meeting looking at graphs and presenting a fair few myself, so my head is buzzing with percentages (and some post-meeting Bavarian beer). Maybe I should draw a powerpoint graph about my meal planning implementation results? Pie chart? No?

The week started off badly, neither of us was hungry on Monday night, husband just wanted custard. It's quite a frequent request of his, sometimes he gets the craving at 11pm. It's like being married to a pregnant woman, I swear. So I made him a bowl of custard and he sliced a banana in it and was happy.

I did cook a meal though, ready for him for Tuesday night because I was going to be out. I realised I had ground lamb in the fridge that had already been frozen once, so I had to get it done. I  chucked the planned turkey in the freezer and made a keema kind of sauce of the lamb with loads of veggies, yoghurt and spices. That got us through till Thursday.

Thursday night I made the moose and shiitake pasta which was yummy. It wasn't quite 100% on plan because I didn't do it as a bake, but just pasta and sauce.

Friday I barbecued herb, tomato, onion and feta stuffed Greek sea bream on the coal barbecue. I served it with oven roast new potatoes and roast greens. Asparagus had unfortunately gone off. So pretty good. 97% accuracy vs plan I'd say, if you'd smelled the asparagus you would agree that the 3% miss was acceptable.

Feta and herb stuffed Greek sea bream on a coal barbecue

Serving platter of barbecued feta stuffed Greek sea bream

Plate of new potatoes and barbecued stuffed Greek sea bream with greens

But then 0% of kids arrived for the weekend after all. The older one had a football final party with his friends, so they're coming this weekend. Instead of my massive family feast on Saturday, I did the Finnish smoked salmon gnocchi I missed on Wednesday, because of the Keema that just wouldn't finish. I don't know how to percentigize (!?!) this, because on the other hand it was on plan but on a wrong day. I'm actually quite upset because if I really had to present this in a graph I wouldn't know how to do it. All these years of .ppt and still so much to learn.

Smoked moose and shiitake mushroom pasta dish
Smoked salmon gnocchi

Freezer emptying dinner plan for the week

This week will need to be freezer emptying, it is just getting ridiculously full.

Monday and Tuesday I am away so husband will eat some leftovers I have pointed out to him in the fridge and freezer.

Wednesday Panko crusted oven baked crispy prawns (freezer)

Thursday Turkey with vegetables and chickpeas (freezer)

Friday Oven baked lemon sole with vegetables (freezer)

Saturday Smoking bag side of salmon, yoghurt marinated lamb cutlets, baghali polow, and fries (there's half a bag left in the freezer)

Sunday Duck legs Provençal, puy lentils (freezer)

Roast duck leg with provencal herbs
Easy and tasty duck legs

Find out how to share your meal plans at this lovely blog At Home with Mrs M

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  1. Ah, so you're freezer emptying too :) I'm holding off buying any meat for a while as it seems I've got quite a collection going on! Baghali polow sounds good (I looked it up), so does everything else. So you are keeping at the meal planning? I reall enjoy it...but I'm a bit sad like that :D

  2. :) It;s not sad! Yes, I'm quite enjoying it. It might also stop me from constantly buying too much food and filling the freezer.

    1. Nothing will ever stop me from buying too much food! :D

  3. There's so much variety on your menu, and your gnocchi looks amazing :) hope you have a lovely week xx

    1. Thanks :) Love the sound of your campfire stew! Have a good week!

    2. Thanks :) Love the sound of your campfire stew! Have a good week!

