Meal planning Monday 12th October - Confessions of a workaholic


Rendeer calf tenderloin, wild chanterelle cream sauce and potato and parsnip mash

I'm not really a workaholic, but I'm quite enjoying my job and it has been a bit crazy busy lately. I'm working on a big new project with a slightly obsessive colleague so days have been long. To the extent that husband is sending me melancholy text messages with sad faces stating that he can see that I'm still in the office. We have this app on our iPhones where we can see where the other one is.

No, it's not creepy. It's cute.

So there was some serious leftover business for husband during the week. I did make him a hasty sauteed reindeer thingy chucking in way too much truffle oil. The oil has a strong smell, but it's yummy when used moderately. A half teaspoon will do, so you might want to use an actual teaspoon, not necessarily pour the stuff directly from bottle to pan. Just sayin. You should have seen husband's nostrils flaring. They actually make a sound. He's got a keen sense of smell. I remember from my "trying to sneak a smoke without him knowing - not a chance" days.

Or the time I came back from a work trip to France having had a lovely artichoke and garlic (a lot of raw garlic) salad the night before, merci beaucoup. He slept on the sofa for two nights.

I managed to make my lovely moose stroganoff one night and I did make up for things at weekend. I baked delicious Finnish potato flatbreads for our lazy and leisurely late Saturday brunch and pan-fried gorgeous reindeer calf (yes - they probably are too cute to eat, it's like eating labrador puppies, who does that, who) tenderloin with potato and parsnip pure and wild chanterelle cream sauce for Sunday dinner. It's been quite the game galore I realise, partly because I'm going to Finland soon for more wildlife for my freezer and partly because I didn't have time to do much shopping.

Unfortunately this week I'll be away again for a few nights, so husband is left to his own devices but with my devices in tupperware boxes to help him through.

Rendeer calf tenderloin, chanterelle cream sauce and potato and parsnip mash
I soon realised this is not the way to plate reindeer tenderloin. It could be seen either as phallic or poopy/toilet humour-like (remember Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo from Southpark). These interpretations are not an appropriate way to showcase this beautiful tender cut of delicately flavoured reindeer so I decided to go for the sliced approach - above. 

Meal plan for the week:

Monday - Weds 
Chicken pasta bake and freezer leftovers for husband

Chilli con moose
Mexican rice

Baked salmon with prawns and cream
Gnocchi or potatoes

Pizza night with kids
(This has been postponed a few times so hopefully will happen this time)
Oven fries

Khoresht-e Bademjan (Persian Eggplant Stew)
Persian rice

Unleavened Finnish potato flatbreads
Trafditional Finnish potato flatbreads

Reindeer with truffle oil  on bed of rice
Sauteed reindeer - taste of the fells

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  1. Big thumbs up to the new look site, very nice! Much more you and the foodie slide shows are great! Those flatbreads look well nice, I made stodgy garlic bread last night, my bread making mojo has disappeared, my last few attempts have been pretty gross! I did successfully feed Tom, spinach, kale, brussels, cabbage and onions the other day though :) whizzed up in a soup with ham, he liked it too!

    1. Thanks :) I've recently gotten back to bread baking a bit. It's a bit messy, but then in the end you feel all smug having created something so nice and soft and comforting out of flour and water. And well done for getting Tom to eat the veg soup. Might try something similar.

