My first #MealPlanningMonday


I just found out about this Meal Planning Monday business from a great blog I stumbled upon last week. The blog is called Roast chicken and a Countrywalk. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it! She’s a girl after my own heart. In addition to roast chicken and country walks, she loves dips, particularly Lebanese dips and eats them for dinner whenever her other half who dismisses them as “not proper meals” is away. That is me! And my husband. I can have a bowl of Baba Ghanoush with some token veg to dip into it for dinner. Sometimes I just eat my homemade hummus on its own spooning the whole bowl of chickpea-gorgeousness into my mouth without even a single crudite.

The idea of meal planning Monday’s is from another blog though called At home with Mrs M, where you can submit your menu plan and then I don’t really know what happens. Sharing and all sorts of social media stuff maybe. I thought I definitely want to try this. I love planning menus for when I have people visiting, but that doesn’t happen often enough. Sometimes I just create menus for imaginary dinner parties or pretend I am taking part in Come Dine with Me. Sad?

Greek pastitsio
Greek Pastitsio from about a week ago
I also have already several pages of plans for the chance that my parents might come and stay with us for Christmas this year. So instead of imaginary or far out in future visits why not start planning our daily meals. Why did I never think of this! In a really boring meeting – usually an IT related one (have you heard of - yeah, I wish I hadn't either) I often scribble down menu ideas. Or I used to in my previous job, which was not as interesting as the current job where I definitely don’t scribble down menu ideas during working hours at all.

So here we go. This is a reasonably normal week, I am out on Tuesday night, so I'll make sure husband has something easy to heat up for dinner. His two boys are coming for the weekend as they do every other weekend, so I'll do a big dinner on Saturday. I think the weather's supposed to be lovely, so it'll be BBQ time! On Sunday I am leaving on a work trip, so I'll prepare something that husband can easily heat up for him and kids and that maybe also will feed him in the beginning of the week when I'm away. 

Our dinner plan for the week

Monday        Turkey breast, vegetable and chickpea stew
Tuesday        I am out, Monday's leftovers for husband
Wednesday  Potato gnocchi with Finnish flame smoked salmon, leek, dill and white wine sauce
Thursday      Smoked moose and shiitake pasta bake
Friday           Whole baked or grilled sea bass or sea bream, roast vegetables, asparagus
Saturday       Smoking bag side of salmon, yoghurt marinated lamb cutlets, roast new potatoes
Sunday         Mexican tortilla lasagne

Finnish flame smoked salmon
Finnish flamesmoked salmon
It’ll be interesting to see how much of this actually happens, I often get carried away in the supermarket if I see a chunk of yummy looking meat or fresh fish or seafood. One of my favourite TV chefs might do something interesting looking that I have to try immediately. Or sometimes husband works late and I swap dinner to a pot of hummus and he gets a sneaky McDonalds or some such shit on the go. So plan may be yet be challenged.

Good plan though!

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  1. Sounds delicious! As for menu planning dinner parties - that's not sad at all (or at least, if it is then I am sad along with you).

  2. :D hello to another #mealplanningmonday newbie! I usually meal plan, but have only just joined the linky! Also that Greek Pastitsio you had, I'm having that this week, and looking at your recipe it's better than the one I found, so I'm trying yours :) (minus mushrooms as the other half has a right strop if he finds mushrooms in anything!)

  3. Love the variety on your meal plan, sounds like a good week #mealplanningmonday

  4. I left a comment the other day, but I don't think it worked (phones for you) :) I've linked up to your Greek pastitsio as it sounds so much nicer than the recipe I'd originally linked too! Your whole menu sounds delicious, and I will definitely be trying your gnocchi with salmon ;)

    Thankyou for your comment too ;)

  5. Yum Yum...Its looks so delicious.

